Translation Ⅲ of Inscription of the Chinese Memorial Stone
in the Washington Monument, Washington, D.C.
Translated By Fuxing Ren, March,1997
Xu Jiyu,by Imperial appointment, Governor of the Province of Fujian, in his Yinghuan Zhilue (universal geography) says:
"As for Washington,he was an extraordinary man. In raising a revolt, he was more courageous than Chen Sheng or Wu Guang. In carrying out an occupation, he was braver than Cao Cao or Liu Bei. Wielding his three—foot falchion, he extended the frontiers thousands of miles, he did not assume the throne and was unwilling to begin a line of succession. Moreover he invented a method of selection. This came near Confucian ideal,the world is shared by people. Truly, the traditions of the Three Dynasties (Yao, Shun, Yu) have all at once unexpectedly appeared in our day. He governed his state with reverence and respected good customs. He did not esteem military achievement. He was very different from the rulers of other states. I have seen his portrait. His bearing is imposing and excellent. Ah! Can he not be called a hero?
"The United States of America compose by many states, the size is very vast. This country neither established titles of nobility and royalty, nor created a hereditary system, state affairs are put to the vote of public opinion. This created a new political situation, unprecedented from ancient times to the present. How wonderful it is! Of all the famous Westerners of ancient and modern times, can Washington be placed in any position but first?"
The Monument is presented by the Government of Ningbo, Zhejiang Province, China; and by Christian missionaries of the United States in Ningbo.
The third year of the reign of the Emperor Xianfeng, sixth month and seventh day (July12, 1853 A.D.).
欽命福建巡撫部院大中丞徐繼畬所著《瀛環志略》曰,按, 華盛頓,異人也。起事勇於勝廣,割據雄於曹劉。既已提三尺劍,開疆萬裏,乃不僭位號,不傳子孫,而創為推舉之法,幾於天下為公,骎骎乎三代之遺意。其治國 崇讓善俗,不尚武功,亦迥與諸國異。余嘗見其畫像,氣貌雄毅絕倫。嗚呼!可不謂人傑矣哉。米利堅合衆國以為國,幅員萬裏,不設王侯之號,不循世及之規,公 器付之公論,創古今未有之局,一何奇也!泰西古今人物,能不以華盛頓為稱首哉!
大清國浙江甯波府镌 耶稣教信輩立石。
鹹豐三年六月初七日 合衆國傳教士識